Unyfy Features Index

Engagement & Community Building

Social Interaction Tools

Features for boosting fan engagement, including comments, likes, and shares within your digital ecosystem.

Fan Community Management 

Tools to build and manage fan communities like Spaces which allow users to create groups based on interest, demographics, and more.

Moderation Tools 

Dashboard to view all reported content, comments, and other user activity as well as automation options to moderate your platform.

QR Code Rewards

Create QR codes to reward users that attend physical and digital events or complete bounties.


Fans can trade their digital collectibles with other users to create a vibrant community

Inter-User Communications

Users can direct message each other and respond to comments seen throughout the feed.

Gamification and Loyalty

Loyalty Programs

Tools to create a gamified user experience, including challenges, leaderboards, login streaks, sticker comments, friend referrals, and automated rewards for activity and engagement within the platform and rewards to increase fan loyalty and engagement.


Release digital collectibles that fans can collect either as rewards or via packs and collections.

These badges can also have extra perks and benefits attached to them which fans can redeem like coupon codes, discounts, and access.

Loyalty Points

your own loyalty points system that fans can earn as they engage, interact and transact.

Loyalty API

Give out points or badges from anywhere using our powerful API

Analog Loyalty

Distribute points or badges via QR Code or NFC

Automated Rewards

Create event-based rewards mechanisms to reduce time spent and keep fans engaged.

Platform Management and Content Publishing

Pages and Menus

Publish static pages or additional menus as sidebar elements to provide custom information, external/internal links, and more.


Start with a preset template or design your platform from scratch adding fonts, typography, buttons/forms styling, digital collectibles, and other custom options.


Add your brand logos, app name, toggle modules and features on/off, language selection, and set up integrations like analytics, tag manager, and other custom options.

Premium and Free Content Publishing

Easily publish and manage content across different formats (articles, videos, podcasts) which can be made public or exclusive to select users.

Participation Content

Publish participatory content like Votings, AMAs, and Ideation Missions users can partake in directly on the platform.

Content Access Control

Set content visibility based on user roles or actions, including public, registered users, subscribers, and collectibles holders.

Live and Digital Events Management

Create and manage registrations for live and virtual events, with options for exclusivity and VIP access.

Sponsorship and Monetization

Virtual Commerce

Direct-to-fan commerce tools for selling merchandise, digital goods, and experiences as well as monthly/annual subscriptions.

Sponsorship and Advertising Tools

Create new digital inventory for sponsors, including sponsored content, interactions, loyalty rewards, sponsored spaces, sponsored digital collectibles, and sponsored giveaways and vouchers.

Virtual goods and collectibles

Create collections and achievements fans can unlock by collecting various digital products like badges and loyalty points.

Subscription Models

Implement tiered subscription models for exclusive content access and benefits.


Upon registration, users are assigned their own personal wallet to store digital goods found within the platform.

Data, Analytics & CRM

CRM & First-Party Data Management

Full ownership and control over fan data with actionable insights.

Marketing Opt-in Banners

Top bar banners to gather user opt-ins for a better opt in experience that is compliant.

Social Logins

Users can register with existing social media accounts for a smoother and increased conversion flow.

FanID & Wallet Service

A unified identity and wallet service for fans, enabling seamless experiences across platforms.

APIs for Custom Integrations

Integrate Unyfy’s tools with your existing website, app, and digital ecosystem for a cohesive experience.

Analytics Dashboards

  • User-Generated Content Dashboard: Tracking view that shows user activity and content published by your users.
  • Boosts Dashboard: Tracking view that shows user boosts on content.
  • Users Dashboard: Tracking view that shows user activity.
  • Commerce Dashboard: Tracking view that offers insights into user purchasing behaviors like average spend, lifetime value, and conversion rates.

Technical & Support Features

Scalable Infrastructure

Robust platform designed to scale with your organization’s needs.

Security & Compliance

Top-tier security measures and GDPR compliance to protect user data.

Customer Success Support

Access to dedicated support and consultation to maximize platform success.

Continuous Updates & Innovations 

Regular updates with new features and improvements based on industry trends and client feedback.