Data & CRM

Powerful data and relationship management at your fingertips

Full Data Ownership and Control

Create compelling digital content and experiences and have full control of user data.

  • Don’t leave your fans’ data with the social media giants.
  • All data that your fans generate on your platform is yours.
  • Use the data to better understand your fans, their interests, and preferences.
  • Unyfy comes with data dashboards and analytics tools with behavioral and commercial insights out-of-the-box. 
  • Also, you can use it with best-in-class web analytics like Matomo or Google Analytics to get even more detailed insights.

A Native Customer Relationship Manager to Connect with Users

Create compelling digital content and experiences and have full control of user data.

  • The built-in user management can act as your CRM or integrates with your existing CRM solution.
  • Use custom profile fields and Unyfy’s Platform APIs to track data from other services and applications within Unyfy.
  • Easily take your data out of Unyfy using exports or integrations
  • Unyfy makes data actionable: Identify and target engaged users, segment by interest, and more.